Yil2201's Blog

samedi, juin 17, 2006

NeXT Messenger work : Before Alpha 3

I'm gonna work on NeXT Messenger with Nieware Solutions tonight. A new design, final design for final quality, will be ready tonight. That's why i show you for the last time the old design ... Tonight you 'll have a screenshot of this. About NeXT, in the One NeXT Messenger version, there will be a lot of nw features :

- Auomatically take the adress and name account from One Enviroment so u can directly connect to your address by lciking on your avatar !
- New design for Contact List
- Time before nickname so "[15:56] Yil2201 > Hi !"
- Concept-Proof of OneContact integration.

NeXT Messenger Alpha 3 will be ready during the month of July or end of June. Posted by Picasa