Yil2201's Blog

mercredi, juin 21, 2006

New UI for NeXT Messenger !

Hi ! I just published the new and final UI of NeXT Messenger on my official site ! Thanks to Nieware Solutions, this UI is so beautiul, easy-to-use and understable ! ... You can see the screenshot on the official of NeXT at http://yil2201.googlepages.com/nextmsgr

Enjoy !

samedi, juin 17, 2006

NeXT Messenger work : Before Alpha 3

I'm gonna work on NeXT Messenger with Nieware Solutions tonight. A new design, final design for final quality, will be ready tonight. That's why i show you for the last time the old design ... Tonight you 'll have a screenshot of this. About NeXT, in the One NeXT Messenger version, there will be a lot of nw features :

- Auomatically take the adress and name account from One Enviroment so u can directly connect to your address by lciking on your avatar !
- New design for Contact List
- Time before nickname so "[15:56] Yil2201 > Hi !"
- Concept-Proof of OneContact integration.

NeXT Messenger Alpha 3 will be ready during the month of July or end of June. Posted by Picasa

vendredi, juin 16, 2006

Picture of me ...

To not just talk about computers, i wanted to add a picture of of me that i made using Apple Photobooth on a Mac , so rocks ...

I decided to "re"open the blog !

After a long time, i decided to begin one more time to post news on the official Yil2201 Blog. So here you can see the soft that i'm working on (which you can download from my site ) and my releases and my new ideas and concepts for futur version ... It's time to introduce my new partner, Nieware Solutions, with who i think about my concepts, next versions about my softwares and their big project "One Enviroment" for which i dev additionals apps such as NeXT Messenger, OneContact, etc... ( I'll introduce them next time that a build will be released ) .

Thanks to read en have good time on my blog !