Yil2201's Blog

lundi, août 14, 2006

2000+ Downloads and a new soft !

Hi! First of all, congrulations to Apple for their work on Mac OS X Leopard!

That's done, Away Security reached the 2000 downloads, we are very happy and that's a great news for us. We don't think that we'll release an update for that script, or maybe a security update ( we worked on it with Alexis2015 ). We have also an another great news... We'll release a new software in a couple of weeks called ClearReminder. This soft will help you to clean-up your computer and will remind you if the last action of a service is from 1 month ago. This soft will help you to erase old or temporary files. /!\ This is not automatic, we just help you doing actions with the recommended software ( for ex., for the action "Delete Temporary Files", we invite you to download ( directly from the soft ) CCleaner and say to you where to click, etc. ). A beta version is avalaible but it contains 10% of final product quality, that's why we don't share it.

See you! I'll keep you tuned ;)


  • Well thats great news. See www.nieware.com ONE Online Number 1 Software Shop next week!

    By Blogger Tony, at 11:32 AM  

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