Yil2201's Blog

mardi, avril 29, 2008

GTA 4 Official Soundtrack


mardi, octobre 03, 2006

New blog, this blog is closed.

Hi all! That's done, i created a new website for me, and the blog is now built-in. It is really faster and better for me. I can manage my site and at the same time, my blog messages using RapidWeaver, a soft for Mac OS X.


My new webblog : http://users.skynet.be/fb101460/

vendredi, août 18, 2006

AorSCS for Plus! Live released!

It's done... AorSCS ( Alone or Several Contacts Sender ) was released yesterday! AorSCS Allows the Windows Live Messenger user to send a same file in one time to several contacts ( never seen before in WLM or Msg Plus! ). It took me 3 days to dev it, and i sent the email to MenthiX to publish the script in the database. The logo was done with some PNGs from pngfactory.net and i used Adobe Photoshop CS2 ;)

-> Official thread on the Msg Plus! Forum : http://www.msghelp.net/showthread.php?tid=64993

lundi, août 14, 2006

2000+ Downloads and a new soft !

Hi! First of all, congrulations to Apple for their work on Mac OS X Leopard!

That's done, Away Security reached the 2000 downloads, we are very happy and that's a great news for us. We don't think that we'll release an update for that script, or maybe a security update ( we worked on it with Alexis2015 ). We have also an another great news... We'll release a new software in a couple of weeks called ClearReminder. This soft will help you to clean-up your computer and will remind you if the last action of a service is from 1 month ago. This soft will help you to erase old or temporary files. /!\ This is not automatic, we just help you doing actions with the recommended software ( for ex., for the action "Delete Temporary Files", we invite you to download ( directly from the soft ) CCleaner and say to you where to click, etc. ). A beta version is avalaible but it contains 10% of final product quality, that's why we don't share it.

See you! I'll keep you tuned ;)

mardi, août 01, 2006

NeXT OS Beta1 Demonstration Video

Ceci est la première vidéo de NeXT OS. Il s'agit de la présentation officielle de la Beta1. Nous vous démontrons ici les différents fonctions déja disponibles dans l'OS qui n'est encore qu'au début de son développement. Les fonctions déja codées ici ne sont pas dans leur phase finale ce qui signifie que plusieurs changements vont encore être oppérés.

dimanche, juillet 23, 2006

Maybe a new script ?

Hi, maybe i'll work on a new script for MsgPlus! Live ... A so wanted script that everybody wants since the begin of the Plus! Mania ... The script is called "FTP" ... Just try to find the entire name and it functions! I'll work with a friend called Alexis2015 on the release. Hope to can publish news soon ! See you

Away Security V2.05 avalaible !

Hi ! So, since 21 July 06, Away Security is avalaible on msgpluslive.net . Away Security is a script for Windows Live Messenger and MsgPlus! Live 4.01 . It add an interesting anti-boss feature. Will explain : if you log in WLM and then going to have a coffee ( you reduceWLM ), and during this time, msn logged off due a server connection failed and then log in ... ( so it appear on the screen ) and poof ... someone send you a message or your boss go in front of your desktop and see WLM running, someone send a wizz or so, and you'll have problems... Away Security check at login of you're on PC or not to show or hide messenger. If you hide it, your boss won't see anything... and you can enter a personal message and a status between Away and Busy for when you're locked. You can also choose the time to wait between 5, 10, 15 or 20 seconds. So, that was the explication, you'll have news about Away Security in the future on this blog ! Stay Tuned ! See you.

mercredi, juin 21, 2006

New UI for NeXT Messenger !

Hi ! I just published the new and final UI of NeXT Messenger on my official site ! Thanks to Nieware Solutions, this UI is so beautiul, easy-to-use and understable ! ... You can see the screenshot on the official of NeXT at http://yil2201.googlepages.com/nextmsgr

Enjoy !